Tuesday, August 30, 2011

best 10 days..

I just finished reading this book yesterday!
its been a while since i got to read a book,
but it was well worth putting off some work and going out

It was a really good book...
it actually made me cry. think about my best days. worst days
and the ones i <3

in all..its really got me thinking about what days in my life i would define as the best
and at this point, i'm very uncertain about  them so far
so as the days go by..hopefully i'll begin to get my 10 best days so far thought out and typed out.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

cha cha cha changesss

this has been and continues to be a summer of change
for better OR worse, no one seems to know.
but i do know whats meant to be will be
so i just need to be patient with things, especially myself
and just need to let it happen, instead of trying to make it happen
because no one is perfect, but i want whats perfect for me
the whole shaBaNG!
because i'm not willing to settle for less or whats just okay..
cause i know i'm worth it
and i don't need someone else to tell me that..

Sunday, March 13, 2011

hodge podge

this year has been a hodge podge of events
hanging out with friends
                          and family
birthday celebrations
                                   some a quarter of century
losing a friend
classes and work galore..
                                          can't wait to see what else is in store!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


in a DEFINITE funk
though i'm seriously beginning to think its more than a funk
more like a rut
i can't quite get a grasp on the exact feeling i'm feeling
but i'm certain it has to do with a particular someone.
oblivious as usual

i feel like i'm back in high school,
always getting my hopes up then being let down.
so i've learned to keep it real and expect the least
but it seems like that is even too much to expect.

i think i'll try out a new motto...

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I'm really considering a breather, because it seems as though every time I go out..I'm once again reminded of how terrible things have gotten :(

Monday, January 3, 2011

resolution update.1

here's me..trying to work on 1 of my 6 resolutions.

tomorrow the 3rd quarter starts, i'm sooo not ready!
today was teacher work day and boy, did the day fly by.
barely got anything done, just got tomorrow planned..whoopDdo
it seems like everytime i'm thinking i shoulda did this..i coulda done that..i woulda did that..IF ONLY

i do, however, on the other hand have GREAT news!
my one..terrible..unproductive..lying..disrespectful student has left the school :)
as horrible as it is to say that, i am actually relieved and quite honestly happy for my other students. now they can focus on their work and be more productive, happy students!
it is going to be a great 3rd quarter if i can only get everything done, as this quarter seems to be extremely packed with concepts and fun stuff!

on both hands...my nails are terribly short and school didn't even start yet! i think that is going to be the hardest resolution for me, oh brother! good thing i get short nail but i still get boyfriend! oh how i love anjelah johnson's nail bit...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

new year. new resolution

new year. new resolution...or actually having one this year!

i've decided that its about time that i actually have a resolution,
so i came to the conclusion that my new years resolutions are to.......

1.) keep my blog updated
2.) try not to bite my nails so i can have shiny kine like kerrin
3.) not slouch in pictures because i think i'm too tall
4.) work towards re-classing @ work
5.) try to work out
6.) stress LESS